Category Archives: Meeting Notes

Highlight items from SOPOA Board and Committee meetings.

June Meeting Notes

Thank You

Thank you to the Restrictions Committee volunteers’ ongoing efforts to maintain the neighborhood. The committee currently has openings for two additional volunteers. 

Thank you to Virginia Flores for her continued service as the treasurer. Her diligence over the past several years and recent months has helped multiple residents successfully resolve accounting issues.


Neighborhood Soliciting – It is an unwelcome intrusion to find unsolicited advertisements in private mailboxes. Offenders will be reported to the USPS and county sheriff. 

Upcoming Projects

Roads – Crack Sealing

The board solicited bids and the lower bid to stay within our annual budget. Please be aware and drive courteously as the crack sealing project progresses through the summer.

Entry Sign Revitalization 

The neighborhood sign at the entry no longer works and requires an overhaul. The Board is soliciting bids to replace sign faces and electrical hardware. The Board will evaluate bids to fit within the budget.

Office Upgrades

After close to 20 years of service, it is time to upgrade office printing capabilities. The board approved the purchase of a new printer and a new multipurpose office scanner. These hardware upgrades will dramatically reduce ongoing printing expenses.

Volunteer Squad

Volunteers are appreciated for neighborhood maintenance projects including;

  1. trimming tree limbs over the bar ditches at overgrown corners,
  2. preparations for entry sign revitalization

Please contact a Board member if you would like to volunteer. 

SOPOA 2023 Planning Dates

President Dave Schafer provided a planning timeline for prospective SOPOA activities at the 2023 April Meeting.


Annual Oak Wilt Survey, Monthly Board Meeting, Road Work Bids, Tiger Bulk Trash Pickup


Monthly meeting


4th of July Parade, Monthly Meeting, Quarterly Statement and Newsletter Mailing 


Monthly Meeting 


Monthly Meeting


Monthly Meeting, Quarterly Statement and Newsletter Mailing


Monthly Meeting, Annual Meeting Notice 


Monthly Meeting, Christmas Party, Proposed Budget 

Monthly Meeting – April 2023

SOPOA 2023 Planning Dates

President Dave Schafer provided a planning timeline for prospective SOPOA activities. 

Street Sign Replacement

The deer crossing / speed limit sign near the entrance gate was knocked over and will be replaced and repositioned to align with plotted lot lines. 

Road Resurfacing Schedule 

The Road and Bar Ditch Committee provided a schedule of target dates for our ongoing road maintenance project. Resurfacing and crack sealing are ongoing long term road maintenance requirements.

2023: Cedar Breaks, Barn Owl, Mesquite Hollow , Nighthawk Lane (2 low sections)

2024: Barn Swallow, Deerview , Oak Nest, Fossil Oak, Nighthawk Lane (upper section)

2025: Limestone Ridge, Bear Tree Circle, Cactus Wren 

*Project completion is subject to available budget and vendor bid cycle.

Monthly Meeting – February 2023

Monday, February 27, 7:30pm the Board held the monthly SOPOA meeting. 

The annual budget was approved, including insurance renewal and annual required audit expenses. The largest expenses for the neighborhood are entry station staffing and road maintenance. Road maintenance projects include crack sealing in the spring and repaving sections of Cedar Breaks, Barn Owl Ln., Mesquite Hollow, and Nighthawk Ln. in the fall. The large entry sign needs repair or replacement. The Board is currently researching options for further discussion, and will solicit bids as the best solution presents itself.

Oak Wilt Committee: At this point all regular oak tree trimming should be stopped. The blackout period recommended by the state is February 1 through June 15.  The requirements to clean tools and paint cuts on oaks remain. The process will return to normal in June.

Clubhouse Committee: In December, the Clubhouse was rented 8 times and all guests
received their security deposits returned.  In January, The Clubhouse was rented 6 times and all guests received their security deposits returned.  There were no issues at any



Monthly Meeting – January 2023

Standard Monthly Meeting Agenda

The board meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:30pm at the SOPOA Clubhouse building at the entrance to the subdivision.

Standard Agenda for Monthly Meetings
A. Call to order
B. Special Interest
C. Review and approval of minutes.
D. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees.
E. Reports of Special Committees
F. Unfinished Business
G. New Business
H. Adjournment

January General Membership Meeting

The annual general meeting will be Monday, January 9, 2023 at 7:30pm in the Clubhouse. The purpose of the meeting is to elect three Board members and up to six members for the restrictions Committee.
Nominations can be sent to “” no later than January 4.
The Board and Committees needs your participation, so please consider becoming a member of one of our committees. The best way to address any issue or improvement opportunity is to attend a meeting.
If you are unable to attend, please complete a proxy form for someone in attendance to vote your wishes.