Tag Archives: entry sign

June Meeting Notes

Thank You

Thank you to the Restrictions Committee volunteers’ ongoing efforts to maintain the neighborhood. The committee currently has openings for two additional volunteers. 

Thank you to Virginia Flores for her continued service as the treasurer. Her diligence over the past several years and recent months has helped multiple residents successfully resolve accounting issues.


Neighborhood Soliciting – It is an unwelcome intrusion to find unsolicited advertisements in private mailboxes. Offenders will be reported to the USPS and county sheriff. 

Upcoming Projects

Roads – Crack Sealing

The board solicited bids and the lower bid to stay within our annual budget. Please be aware and drive courteously as the crack sealing project progresses through the summer.

Entry Sign Revitalization 

The neighborhood sign at the entry no longer works and requires an overhaul. The Board is soliciting bids to replace sign faces and electrical hardware. The Board will evaluate bids to fit within the budget.

Office Upgrades

After close to 20 years of service, it is time to upgrade office printing capabilities. The board approved the purchase of a new printer and a new multipurpose office scanner. These hardware upgrades will dramatically reduce ongoing printing expenses.

Volunteer Squad

Volunteers are appreciated for neighborhood maintenance projects including;

  1. trimming tree limbs over the bar ditches at overgrown corners,
  2. preparations for entry sign revitalization

Please contact a Board member if you would like to volunteer.